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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The proof is in the pudding? Ahhh maybe not!

I can't help but wonder why we feel the need to constantly create and use sayings in conjunction with day to day events. Such as "Don't put all your eggs in the same basket" or "Every cloud has a silver lining". Why not just say what should be said in it's literal sense...Like you fucked up and made a mistake, deal with it perhaps if your lucky enough something else will come up? Maybe the people that are writing all of these symbolic philosophical sayings slipped down the optimism tree & hit every branch of self righteousness on the way down? Perhaps that's too harsh. To be or not to be that is the question..I had this friend, a Spanish friend who once told me a saying close to the translation of "It's much better to have one bird held in your hand, than 100 birds in the sky in front of you out of reach" now this kind of saying is one i can relate to and really like, especially when it’s said in the fluent sexy Spanish accent. Clearly having one opportunity, goal or achievement in your grasp is much better than boasting about a hundred possibilities that lay ahead without any certainty...but If you’re lucky enough to catch a friggen bird in the first place what do you do then? What if the bird you catch turns out to be a chicken? Do you keep all it's eggs in the same basket, or does it turn out to be a cross-dressing rooster who doesnt lay eggs at all? Perhaps these sayings by whomever they were created by can be put to use in some point in time in each of our lives and offer a certain degree of comfort...statements of fact or wishfull thinking? You be the judge.
